BC Universal Code of Conduct

Jul 13, 2023

For sport experiences to be positive they need to be safe.

British Columbia’s sport sector and organizations are committed to create sport environments that are free from all forms of harm including sexual, physical, mental, emotional and psychological.

The B.C. Universal Code of Conduct has been designed to supplement sport organization’s current policies, it does not replace them. The purpose of the code is to set standards for the culture of sport in B.C. Any violations of the Code are subject to review and disciplinary procedures according to the respective sport organization’s policy.

The Safe Sport Conduct Summary will help you learn about the Responsibilities and Prohibited Behaviours found in the British Columbia Universal Code of Conduct, so you can be an active contributor to a safer sport culture in B.C.

BC Universal Code of Conduct Summary


BC Universal Code of Conduct Summary – Accessible Version


BC Universal Code of Conduct
